List Philia-Net
Philia-Net is a mailing list for UQ Indonesian Christians
students. This network is non-moderated. A non-moderated network means
that each member can send posting to Philia-Net directly without sensorship.
Membership is open to UQ Students and UQ Alumni.
This network is to share the love of Christ, to strengthen each other,
to enhance Christian worldview, and to spur each other toward deeds and
good works. Members can bring up social issues as well as spiritual issues.
Philia-Net desires to promote the integration of faith, work, and knowledge.
The final pupose of Philia-Net is to glorify our Lord Jesus Christ, forever
and ever.
Discussion Group.
UQ Indonesian Christian Student
Discussion Group is a mounthly discussion goup. 1st meeting (18/03/200)discussed
about "Pentingnya Persekutuan” moderated by Wardis Girsang in Pak Joudy
house. 2nd meeting (8/04/2000) discussed about "Keselamatan" moderated
by Ivonne in Pak Bono house.